Made Strong and Confident

Activated For Purpose

We have a passion to see people trained and developed, made strong and confident, ready to be activated for their purpose. We invite you to immerse yourself in an environment where you can discover the destiny God has for you.

Equippers College is the training arm of Equippers Church, a vibrant multi-cultural multi-campus church. You’ll be immersed in a strong leadership culture, a creative and innovative space, where your head, heart and hands will be developed. Let’s go higher together.


LEadership Stream

year one

The Leadership Stream is designed to help people realise their passions, gifts, and grace, to 'be' and 'do' what God has called them to. Here, students are taught how they can impact their world and are equipped for a life of influence.



year one

The Worship Stream is designed to train people in the creative arts through specialty lessons, industry disciplines and spiritual discipleship. Students choose a major from a range of options and spend the year sharpening their craft. Combined with biblical teaching and ministry experience students are equipped for a life of influence.


year two

The Leadership Internship is a Diploma program that offers students leadership training and practice, an in-depth study of the Bible from theological view-points, and the opportunity to manage projects and lead teams. Students gain effective ministry knowledge and skills that equip them for a life of significant influence.


Tina Halalilo (Auckland, 2021 & 2022)

I completed two years at Equippers College (Certificate & Diploma), with the intention that I would only develop more in my craft and creativity. However, I gained far more knowledge than just an understanding of my craft.

I discovered a deeper biblical understanding that has anchored me, and a greater appreciation for God’s gracious character. This has moulded me and helped me discover my leadership calling, giving me the tools I need for ministry and daily life!

Levi McMillan (Auckland, 2020 & 2021)

When I came to Equippers College, I believed that I would be equipped and grow in my creative skills with a hope to use them to build God’s Kingdom, but God definitely exceeded those expectations.

He revealed to me old dreams that had been buried, new skills and gifts that have opened so many doors outside of College. In learning more about myself, I have been able to discover more of what I love, what I’m good at and what I believe is my God-given calling. I’m really thankful for this environment.

Josh Huirua (Auckland, 2016)

Josh Huirua (Auckland, 2016)

I've always felt a strong call to build God's house and kingdom and grew up growing my gifts and passion in worship and creativity. 

But God did something unexpected, He helped me see my leadership potential and placed a compassion in me for people, which has been the catalyst for what I'm now doing in ministry.  




Pastor Sam Monk is the visionary leader of Equippers Churches, he is passionate about seeing a generation mobilised into their world to be the revival. He is married to Kathy and they have three delightful daughters. Sam has been leading Equippers Church since 2000.



Pastor Steve Graham is the International Director of Equippers College globally, he has a background in pastoral and cross-cultural ministry. Steve carries a dynamic teaching and prophetic gift with twenty years of experience in training people for ministry. Steve is married to Christine, they have three children and three wonderful grandchildren.



Ps Wayne and Libby Huirua are Worship Pastors at Equippers Church. For many years they pioneered Christian Music in New Zealand, having a national and global influence. They carry a passion and an expertise to equip and release worship leaders and creative teams. They have been married for twenty-eight years and have two wonderful children who they love to serve with in ministry.